Mark Stephens argues that the underlying solution to the misery inflicted on the characters portrayed in David Loach’s film lies in reforming policy, not charity.
It’s Time to Consider Property Taxation in the Round
Mark Stephens argues that Scotland’s new system of housing transaction tax should be allowed to bed down, but that as the Parliament’s Finance Committee considers “A Scottish Approach to Taxation” it should consider property taxation in the round.
Having Talked the Talk, Which Way should we Walk?
Drawing on new research for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Professor Glen Bramley considers what policies would substantially reduce poverty in the UK.
Select Committee Report misses opportunity to be radical on homelessness
Suzanne Fitzpatrick, Sarah Johnsen and Beth Watts reflect on recent recommendations to strengthen the homelessness safety net in England.
The ‘more or less?’ quiz on ‘counting the cost of uk poverty’
Glen Bramley discusses the findings of his new Joseph Rowntree Foundation research counting the costs of poverty in the UK.
“Brexit means Brexit”, but what does Brexit mean?
In the aftermath of the EU referendum, Mark Stephens considers what Brexit might mean in practice.
Destitution and foodbanks in the UK: new evidence sheds light on topical debates
Dr Filip Sosenko examines food bank use in the UK drawing on new data from the JRF-funded Destitution study.
Priorities for addressing youth homelessness in Scotland
Dr Beth Watts identifies priorities for developing services for young people at risk of or experiencing homelessness in Scotland.
Local Tax Reform – What the Scottish Parties Propose
With the Scottish Parliament elections less than a week away, Mark Stephens discusses the parties’ proposals for reforming local taxation.
The Council Tax: Why Scotland Needs a New Way to Implement Radical Reforms
Professor Mark Stephens discusses prospects for Council Tax reform in Scotland.