This major knowledge and capacity building programme, which is possible thanks to the support of Oak Foundation, will propel a fundamental step change in the UK evidence base on homelessness amongst people from Black and minoritised ethnic groups in the UK. 

Overseen by an expert research advisory group, the programme offers a comprehensive, authoritative account of the overall statistical picture alongside rich qualitative evidence offering a ‘deep dive’ into key groups, issues and experience of concerns.  All of this with a view to shaping priorities, tools and levers for intervention that can be used to eliminate racial discrimination, disparities and injustices in the homelessness and housing field.   

Our first statistical report on the State Of The Nation was published on 21 November 2022. Headline findings included that Black People in the UK are three times more likely to experience homelessness. Find out more here.

Our first Deep Dive  Taking a race and ethnicity lens to conceptualisations of homelessness in England was published in May 2024. This research, carried out with the Runnymede Trust, explores what homelessness means for different ethnic groups and the additional issues some face in accessing housing and support.

Our research interns are delivering quality impactful research looking in-depth at issues for specific communities in the UK.

The first report by Dr Ionut Cioarta Exploring the Phenomenon of Roma Homelessness in the UK. was published in July 2023.

Our second intern Christiana Ajai-Thomas (Roni) researched Young Black People’s Experiences of Homelessness in London, the report being published in July 2024.

Next Steps

We are continuing our quantitative analysis including with more data modelling and new datasets and we are also working on further ‘deep dive’ research topics.

We are working on a second deep dive is with West Midlands Combined Authority exploring how racial inequalities with regard to homelessness can be designed out across a geographical area.

Our third and final research intern, Nifemi Adesina, is developing her research on race, homelessness and complex needs.

We are also continuously working to establish and strengthen partnerships that can effectively communicate and advocate for change.

If you have any questions about the programme or would like to contribute, get in touch with Jill