Suzanne Fitzpatrick is the director of I-SPHERE. Suzanne is a leading international scholar on homelessness, and has undertaken research on family, single and youth homelessness, as well as on rough sleeping, ‘street culture activities’, domestic violence, and rights-based approaches to tackling housing exclusion. Her methodological expertise lies mainly in qualitative research (in-depth interviews, focus groups, qualitative longitudinal research), and in policy, legal and international comparative analysis, but she has also led numerous mixed methods studies with strong statistical components.
Suzanne’s major research programmes include the highly respected Crisis funded “Homelessness Monitor” series; “Destitution in the UK” for Joseph Rowntree Foundation; “State of The Nation” research on homelessness and racial inequalities for the Oak Foundation and an international evaluation of approaches to reducing street homelessness with the Institute of Global Homelessness.
Suzanne is a Poverty Commissioner for Scotland and has Chaired and contributed to a number of Government Committees including recently chairing the Welsh Expert Review Panel (ERP) contributing to the White Paper Ending Homelessness in Wales. Suzanne sits on a number of Boards and is a founder and editor of the International Journal of Homelessness.
Research interests
- Homelessness and housing exclusion
- Housing policy
- Housing law
- Housing rights
- Social housing
- Domestic abuse and violence
- Begging, street drinking and other aspects of street culture
- Social justice, social cohesion and social exclusion Critical realism.
Contact Details
Email: s.fitzpatrick@hw.ac.uk