I-SPHERE PhD graduates

Dora Welker

Sanctuary schemes in England and Scotland

Timothy Packer

Youth homelessness and the transition to adulthood: how understanding life stage informs effective interventions

Oliver Bowling

Understanding the causes and consequences of begging in contemporary UK.

Lynne McMordie

Understanding the design, use and impacts of temporary and supported accommodation models for homeless households in the United Kingdom.

Melissa Espinoza

Pitching solutions rather than tents: A case study of social control and homelessness in Seattle, USA

Philippa Watkin

Exploring the response of supported accommodation homeless services to young women who drink

Katie Colliver (2021)

Understanding distribution in homelessness policy: A normative exploration of the differential treatment of homeless households in England, Scotland and Wales.

Nikoletta Theodorou (2020)

The modifying effects of attachment experiences on populations that have experience of Multiple Exclusion Homelessness.

Olufemi Samuel Okelade

Homelessness in Nigeria

Regina Serpa (2019)

Housing strategies of homeless migrants: a comparative study of Central Americans in Massachusetts and Eastern Europeans in Scotland.

Yan Wang (2018)

Investigation of social housing policy in Western China: A case study of Yinchuan City

Janice Blenkinsopp (2018)

The Impact of Social Security Reforms on Younger Adults’ Housing Choices in Edinburgh

Fiona Jackson (2018)

Through the lense of ‘faithness’: Examining the role of faith based organisations in the Scottish homelessness sector

Hui Fang Cong (2017)

An assessment of urban village redevelopment in China: Case study of a medium sized city Weihai

Alice Lungu (2017)

Squatter upgrading in Zambia: Adequacy of the institutional framework

Toriqul Bashar (2017)

Social capital of the urban poor in Bangladesh: implications for affordable housing

Natasha Colic (2016)

The changing role of ‘the public interest’ in Serbian planning practice

Aslan Tanekenov (2013)

Empowering of homeless people through employment?: The experience of British social enterprises and lessons for Kazakhstan