
Seminar: Housing and Impoverishment

Our next IHURER seminar will be on Wednesday 23/10/2013 by Professor Glen Bramley. All seminars start at 4.15pm and take place in WA 3.11. For a full list of seminars, click here

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Professor Colin Jones wins RTPI Prize

Colin Jones from IHURER and Mike Coombes from Newcastle University have been awarded the Royal Town Planning Institute’s 2013 prize for excellence in academic spatial planning research for their work looking at Housing Market Areas.

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Scottish Independence and the Property Market

As the independence referendum approaches, the implications of independence for the property market and vice versa has not received any attention. The real estate sector is a major component of the Scottish economy, from new construction through to investment finance.

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Housing policy downgrade downunder

IHURER Professor Hal Pawson, based at University of New South Wales reflects on the ‘dire state of neglected social housing’ and housing affordability problems in Australia.

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Was Raquel Rolnik right to speak out?

Raquel Rolnik is Professor of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of San Paolo. In her role as a “special rapporteur” for the UN, she has been in the UK, at the invitation of our Government, to assess whether the UK’s housing policies accord with international human rights standards.

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IHURER News – September 2013

First edition of the IHURER Newsletter, where we will share with you news from the Institute, recent publications and conference appearances and dates for your diary.

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