Ending Street Homelessness Globally

The first global initiative aimed at ending street homelessness has revealed key ingredients for success along with common systemic barriers, new research from I-SPHERE, Heriot-Watt University has found. The Institute of Global Homelessness’ (IGH) A Place to Call Home, launched in 2017, is the first concerted effort to support cities across the globe to eradicate street homelessness. […]

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Homelessness Monitor England 2022 published today

The Homelessness Monitor: England 2022, our in-depth state of the nation report on homelessness trends across the country for Crisis has been published today. Headline findings include that Councils across England are warning of a rise in the number of people experiencing homelessness as the impact of the withdrawal of pandemic protections, such as the […]

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Meeting Housing Demand

In this blog Professor Glen Bramley reflects on decades of parliamentary and governmental inquiries into meeting housing demand and the significance of the latest report from the House of Lords’ Built Environment Committee. The House of Lords Built Environment Committee recently published a new report on Meeting Housing Demand [1]. Having contributed written evidence to […]

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Positionality, values and metaphysical stance in qualitative research

Contributing to debates on ‘positionality’ in social research, Profs Sarah Johnsen and Suzanne Fitzpatrick reflect on the methodological implications of researchers’ values, and in particular metaphysical stance.  These observations are the focus of a recently published journal paper which was inspired by their experiences during a study of the role of faith-based organisations (FBOs) in […]

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We are recruiting

I-SPHERE are currently recruiting for a part time Research Associate to join our team to work on the next phase of our flagship research on Destitution in the UK for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Find out more and apply for the post here The closing date is 16th January 2022.

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Understanding Attachment: Implications for Homelessness Service Provision

Dr Nikoletta Theodorou discusses some of the findings from her PhD, recently completed within I-SPHERE, and here focusses on frontline support worker responses to the attachment styles of people experiencing Multiple Exclusion Homelessness (MEH). A growing body of research has highlighted the prevalence of unresolved losses, trauma and childhood adversity affecting individuals with experience of […]

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I-SPHERE Newsletter

This newsletter provides a round-up of what the I-SPHERE team have been up to over the Summer and Autumn and what is coming up this winter. Appointments and Reviews Professor Suzanne Fitzpatrick was appointed to Glasgow Alliance to End Homelessness Advisory Board.  The Advisory Board is made up of experts from public health, social policy, […]

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BAME Homelessness Research Intern

We are currently recruiting for our first of three paid research interns to undertake independent research on issues of race and homelessness in the UK as part of our exciting new Homelessness and Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Groups in the UK: A knowledge and capacity building programme. Based anywhere in the UK, the post […]

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Our new research with the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) for Crisis has revealed people from EU countries living in Britain are nearly three times more likely to experience rough sleeping than the general adult population. They are also twice as likely to experience homelessness overall because they struggle to access support. The project is […]

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Homelessness Monitor Scotland 2021 published

The 2021 Homelessness Monitor Scotland, part of the Homelessness Monitor series commissioned by Crisis, provides the most in-depth study of homelessness in Great Britain. You can find the full report and executive summary here. The research by I-SPHERE found: Statutory homelessness had been on a steadily rising trajectory pre pandemic, with the number of households […]

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