The shape and scope of national, devolved and local welfare systems has profound impacts on people’s experiences of key social harms, including poverty, destitution, housing exclusion and homelessness. I-SPHERE has conducted a wide range of mixed-methods and international comparative research demonstrating these impacts. Since 2011, the Homelessness Monitors series has traced the links between welfare policy reform and economic change on homelessness across the four UK-nations. In a major five year research programme (2013-18), I-SPHERE in collaboration with five other universities, examined the effectiveness and ethical legitimacy of forms of welfare conditionality targeting a wide range of welfare recipients, leading the strands focusing on street homelessness, social housing and lone parents. I-SPHERE led the theoretical, conceptual, normative and international evidence-reviewing aspects of the research programme, culminating in the publication of a book in Routledge’s key ideas series on the topic of welfare conditionality. I-SPHERE also has expertise in comparing the impacts of different welfare systems, specifically in relation to housing exclusion and outcomes.
The table provides a summary of key recent research projects in this field. For publications see our Publications section.
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