
Interested in commissioning research or evaluation?

I-SPHERE is running an event on Thursday 19th November in partnership with CACHE and the Oak Foundation to provide advice, support and practical tips on where to start! Aimed at commissioners in the third or public sector: hear what impactful research and evaluation looks like;  what to look out for when commissioning; learn top tips […]

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I-SPHERE and SCADR seminar with Professor Nick Bailey

Please join us on Wednesday 14th October at 3.45pm until 5pm for our first joint seminar with the Scottish Centre for Administrative Data Research (SCADR) on ‘Administrative data for social policy research: potential and pitfalls’. Professor Nick Bailey from The University of Glasgow, is an Associate Director of  SCADR and leads research on Work and […]

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Lynne McMordie wins prestigious Valarie Karn Prize

I-SPHERE are delighted to share the news that our PHD researcher Lynne McMordie has won the Housing Studies Association Valarie Karn prize. Lynne’s paper on how avoidance of temporary accommodation for people experiencing homelessness can be a rational and reasonable response to an intensely stressful environment was based on research she undertook with ISPHERE and […]

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8 million people in England are experiencing some form of housing need

The National Housing Federation today published it’s annual People in Housing Need report, drawn from analysis by I-SPHERE’s Professor Glen Bramley.  The research finds that the true number of people in need of social housing in England has now hit 3.8m. This equates to 1.6m households – 500,000 more than the 1.16m households recorded on […]

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I-SPHERE research for the Trussell Trust shows food banks are forecast to give out six emergency food parcels a minute this winter

Today the Trussell Trust released Lockdown, Lifelines and the Long Haul Ahead revealing how coronavirus has affected food bank use, with a huge rise in people needing to use a food bank in its network for the first time. Analysis carried out by I-SPHERE with support from the National Institute of Economic and Social Research […]

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I-SPHERE Newsletter – September 2020

As we are into September and its back to school, college and University across the UK, here is a look forward to ‘the new term’ ahead and a recap on what I-SPHERE has been up to over the last few months. COVID 19 As you would expect a huge part of our work over the […]

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Localism and Homelessness in England

I-SPHERE’s Professor Suzanne Fitzpatrick and Dr Beth Watts, with Professor Hal Pawson of University of New South Wales, argue in their new paper that localism, alongside austerity and welfare reform, has played a key role in driving up homelessness in England. Read the Blog Localism and homelessness: a decade of disaster in England published by the […]

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Young Scots tell how ‘overwhelming workloads’ and ‘isolating online learning’ are widening the attainment gap

Scottish Children’s Charity, A Place in Childhood (APiC), co-founded by I-SPHERE’s Dr Jenny Wood, this week announced the first recommendations arising from a research project led and facilitated by young teams from cities, towns and villages across Scotland. Echoing the EEF’s findings regarding the impacts of school closures on the attainment gap, their priorities focus […]

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